7/18 Update - Summertime bounty

Hello everyone,

As the monsoon season begins after months of dryness, bags of mixed greens are being delivered to Dolina’s in Santa Fe and there’s plenty of produce and eggs for Marjory Sweet’s “Dora’s in a Box.” Our corn varieties are about to explode with growth from the rain and we’ve harvested the Sonora White wheat and the garlic. It was an exciting moment as we took the first step in implementing a new machine especially made for smaller grain crops. These combines are hard to come by as they are made in China and sent in pieces without an engine, but the SGC, Southwest Grain Collective, was miraculously able to find one already assembled in the US. The combine is shared with other New Mexican farmers as part of SGC in supporting a renewed grain infrastructure and the revival of local specialty grains. This is the first step of many towards the goal in growing grains and providing flour for local use.

The next Dinner at Dora’s in a Box is Saturday, July 25th - order now to reserve your meal, only a few spots remain. The lunch on August 2nd is sold-out. When you come to lunch or dinner events at Dora’s, bring a blanket, or your favorite lawn chairs to make a picnic site, otherwise, we’ve set up some tables in the orchard and on the porch. Marjory has talent at taking what grows, then turning the produce into a delicious and beautiful box of food. Enjoy the simplicity of very fresh.

We appreciate everyone’s effort in creating a safe environment by wearing a mask and keeping a distance. Thank you. The meals have been a great success. Thank you all for your creative adapting to a difficult situation so we can offer good food and a special coming together.

- Owl Peak Farm